ASI merupakan hal yang sangat terpenting untuk diberikan kepada buah hati kita. ASI mudah diserap sehingga bayi tumbuh optimal. ASI tidak bisa digantikan dengan susu formula. Apabila Bunda adalah wanita sibuk, stock ASI bisa jadi alternatif agar anak selalu dapat ASI. Namun dekapan bunda yang memberi ASI itu lebih baik dan penting untuk ikatan batin ibu dan anak.

Macam-macam alat pompa ASI untuk stock ASI bisa dipilih, bisa juga digunakan untuk merangsang jalan ASI apabila bunda setelah melahirkan tetapi belum juga mengeluarkan ASI. Saya menggunakan alat pompa ASI merk medela yang manual breastpump. Ketika di rumah sakit, saya gunakan sebagai alat perangsang keluarnya ASI. Karena sehari setelah saya melahirkan ASI saya belum keluar dengan lancar. Sekaligus bisa stock apabila bayi masuk ruang inkubator.

Manual Breastpumps by ..MEDELA 
Manual breastpumps are small, lightweight, and easily portable.They are ideal for mothers who will miss only an occasional feeding because of sore nipples or plugged milk ducts, or because of an evening out from baby. Manual breastpumps are the ideal choice for short-term and occasional pumping.

with 2-Phase Expression®. They are ideal for mothers who will miss only an occasional feeding because of sore nipples or plugged milk ducts, or because of an evening out from baby. Manual breastpumps are the ideal choice for short-term and occasional pumping.

 Mini Electric
This small electric breastpump offers optimal comfort for expressing breastmilk at home or on the go. Ideal fort short-term and occasional use.Easy to assemble, use and clean
Gentle and efficient expression
Full range adjustable vacuum
Electric or battery-powered

 Swing™An electric breastpump which perfectly adapts to the daily routine of a dynamic mother. Ideal for occasional or frequent pumping – handy, trendy and quiet.
* With 2-Phase Expression
* Ideal for out and about
* Gently massaging SoftFit Breastshield
* Electric or battery-powered
* CityStyle Breastpump Bag available
Swing is easy to operate, with a one touch let-down button designed for faster milk flow and efficient, adjustable speed and vacuum controls. The pump comes with a single pumping accessory kit including SoftFit™ massaging breastshield, cloth carrying bag, lanyard for neck and/or shoulder use and AC adapter.

 Mini Electric™ Plus
This compact breastpump provides the convenience of double pumping. Ideal for expressing breastmilk occasionally when at home or on the go.Single or double pumping
Full range adjustable vacuum
Gentle and efficient expression
Electric or battery use

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